Location Periphery of Pamplona (ES)
Date 2020-22
Status Project completed
Authors Ioar Cabodevilla Antoñana, Itxaso Iturrioz Zuluaga, Xabi Urroz Zabalza, Salomé Wackernagel
Editors Orekari Estudio & Enter This, Architects
Layout & Design Orekari Estudio & Salomé Wackernagel
Photo credits Gorka Beunza, Mirari Echavarri, Maddi Barber
Languages Spanish & Basque
ISBN 978-84-09-23841-5
2020 • Online publication on the New Generations Platform
Our Repensar la Periferia [Rethinking the Periphery] publication covers the four years of the project since 2016, and is divided in 3 volumes: the second one covers the process in the popular neighbourhood of Etxabakoitz and the participative conception of the “Burbuja Gigante” (Giant Bubble). Repensar la Periferia raises the question of the city’s relationship to its surrounding territory in our post-industrial, Anthropocene era.
This publication has been financed with the Grants for Publication (Ayudas a la Publicación) of the Contemporary Art Centre of Huarte (CACH), 2020
Risograph print in 3 colours • 82 pages • Nautilus recycled paper 120g / cover 300g • Glued binding • DIN A5 • from the series Repensar la Periferia in Pamplona·Iruña • 18€ + shipping costs
→ Here to the Repensar Publication · Vol. 1 & Vol. 3
→ Here to the Repensar · Prints
→ Part of the process: Repensar la Periferia
Architectural designer & researcher
Master of Arts in Architecture
©2025 · Salomé Wackernagel · Architecture