Repensar • Soto
Location Soto Lezkairu, Pamplona (ES)
Date 2019-2020
Status Project completed
Photo credits Gorka Beunza, Román Rey Arias
Video credits Jorge Tellechea
Project team Ioar Cabodevilla Antoñana, Itxaso Iturrioz Zuluaga, Xabi Urroz Zabalza · Orekari Estudio, Salomé Wackernagel + Asociación Cultural Soto Lezkairu, Inhabitants of Soto Lezkairu
Support Centro de Arte Contemporáneo de Huarte (CACH) • Innnova Cultural Navarra 2019
→ Part of the process: Repensar la Periferia
2021 • InFlux, cultural magazine on French television (France 3 Nouvelle-Aquitaine)
The third place chosen for our Repensar la Periferia (Rethinking the Periphery) project is one of the latest neighbourhoods in the periphery of Pamplona, and still under construction: Soto Lezkairu. Its social and urbanistic construction is different to the others. Here, everything has been made to attract young adults, mostly couples wishing to build there a family, or already with young children. Therefore, the demographic curve is very homogeneous. We collaborated from the beginning with the local cultural association - Asociación Cultural Lezkairu in order to enlighten the needs of the inhabitants of this neighbourhood under construction. Like in the other neighbourhoods, we followed the same methodology: we started with an analysis of the urbanism with a precise photographic documentation and mapping, meetings with local "multiplicators" - actors involved in the public life of the barrio, and a first public activity, a "paseo urbano" (urban walk) which ended in a cultural hotspot of the area, La Fábrica de Gomas.
Then we organized like in the other neighbourhoods various participative workshops on the main square of Soto Lezkairu, in order to define and build with local participants the self-built structure(s) able to host cultural events in the area. The Poliedros are three multi-faceted, small towers made of PVC tubes, light and easily detachable. They are covered with emergency thermal blanket, which enlighten our structures and reflect the surrounding elements. The triangulated forms of the Poliedros also remind the cranes, which are and will be present for the next years in the landscape of the neighbourhood, and the hypermodern buidlings.
We invited for the inauguration perfomance the artist Cabezafuego. Due to the pandemic, we postponed the following events to the end of december: a costume workshop with the artist Sandra Arroniz Lacunza, and another creative workshop at the local cultural venue La Fábrica de Gomas with the collective Bidari Arte. Also, the dancer and choreographer Galina Rodríguez offered us a magical moment in the outskirts of Pamplona. By using our Poliedros, her performance Terra especially created for the occasion sublimate this neighbourhood under construction and the blurry limits of the city, on a snowy December morning.