Location Berlin (DE)
Date 2012
Status Project completed
Project team Johanna Dreier, Malte Heinze, Paul Künzel, Sara Lusic-Alavanja, Stefan Lizskowski, Zara Pfeifer & Salomé Wackernagel · Enter This
Support Akademie einer neuen Gropiusstadt, CUD TU Berlin Prof. Jörg Stollmann · Agentur Stadtmuster · KiTa Regenbogen, Gropiusstadt
The U-Rangerie has been designed as a prototype for the Academy for a New Gropiusstadt initiated by the Chair for Urban Design and Urbanization of the Technical University of Berlin. The project was built as a temporary construction during the 50th anniversary of the Gropiusstadt and lasted for four weeks. The structure is situated on top of a ventilation shaft.
Thereby it connects the typology of a greenhouse with warm air blowing outof the subway (U-Bahn), in order to create a climatically isolated green island for the Gropiusstadt. Its exhaust air is used to warm up and create a communal space.
Awards & exhibitions
2015 • Shortlisted in Das Erste Haus - Bauwelt
2015 • ¿Architectus Omnibus? Exhibition Berlin/Madrid/San Sebastián
2014 • Jury prize · Orange Social Design Award • Kulturspiegel